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Plumeria rubra "Purple Sant

What is a callus?

Plumeria / Frangipani Knowledge
Frangipani flower (grey)

What is a Callus?

If you are involved with plumerias, you have probably heard or read the term ``callus`` many times. But what exactly is a callus and what is its meaning? Is it positive or negative? For what does the plant need a callus?

A callus is a bulbous sprout (reminiscent of a scar) from the dried cut of a Plumeria cutting. The callus is more or less the precursor to root formation, as the small roots then grow from it.

A callus develops when the cutting has been properly dried and stored. When the cutting has a callus, rooting should be started. Which method the hobby gardener then uses is up to him.

A callus can also be too big!

If the plant does not feel moisture, i.e. has no urge to form roots, it will continue to develop the callus, BUT if this becomes too thick, it will then be difficult for the young roots to penetrate the callus and develop.

Callus formation on a Plumeria cutting

Ideal callus. This cutting can now be rooted!

Strong callus

In the picture marked red you see a callus that is already a bit too big. Here the young roots will have a hard time penetrating it.

If you have such a Plumeria cutting, you should definitely start rooting.

Which rooting methods are recommended?

Wir empfehlen die Bewurzelung des Frangipani Stecklings in Perlit, welches Sie einfach alle 2-3 Tage leicht ansprühen. Ziehen Sie die Stecklinge nie aus dem Perlit sondern graben Sie sie aus, weil sonst die jungen Wurzeln beschädigt werden könnten.

Auch eine sehr sichere Methode um einen Frangipani Steckling zu bewurzeln, ist das Bagrooting-Verfahren.

You can also place such a cutting directly in soil, but you must be very careful when watering it.

Oder Sie wenden die Bagrooting Methode an. Dazu wird ein Folienbeutel ca. 10-15cm mit Erde gefüllt, leicht befeuchtet und dann wird der Steckling eingestellt und der Folienbeutel oben vorsichtig verschlossen. 80% des Stecklings sollten dann natürlich aus dem Beutel schauen. Den Beutel warm (22-25°C) lagern. Sie sehen dann sobald sich die Wurzeln bilden.



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