Your fast supplier for high quality Plumeria plants and accessories.

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Kaiserstrasse 80

76133 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 98615896

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Plumeria rubra "Purple Sant

Frangipani Varieties Catalogue

Find your favourite here!
Frangipani flower (grey)

Frangipani Varieties Catalogue

Of course, we cannot give a complete list of all registered Plumeria varieties here, but together with our Facebook group we can give a small overview of varieties. Which one you like best is in the eye of the beholder. Every year about 20 - 50 new and sometimes very beautiful varieties are registered. Therefore, this is only a small excerpt from the list of Plumeria varieties.

Please note, dass Sie Mitglied der Facebook Gruppe “Plumeria.Shop – Frangipani Love <3” sein müssen um die jeweiligen Fotogalerien zu betrachten!

Plumeria rubra “Madame Pony Seedling”
Frangipani flower (grey)

Plumeria Varieties Catalogue

Of course, we cannot give a complete list of all registered Plumeria varieties here, but together with our Facebook group we can give a small overview of varieties. Which one you like best is in the eye of the beholder. Every year about 20 - 50 new and sometimes very beautiful varieties are registered. Therefore, this is only a small excerpt from the list of Plumeria varieties.

Please note, dass Sie Mitglied der Facebook Gruppe “Plumeria.Shop – Frangipani Love <3” sein müssen um die jeweiligen Fotogalerien zu betrachten!

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Cream / Pastel
Fragrance weak
Scent medium
Scent strong
Origin: Australia
Origin: Indonesia
Origin: Malaysia
Origin: Thailand
Origin: Hungary
Origin: USA


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