Frangipani Care Calendar - JULY -
Sommer Sonne und Blüten?!
Jetzt sollten Ihre Frangipanis langsam die ersten Blüten zeigen. Wenn nicht, dann dauert es vielleicht noch 1 Monat oder 2… Gießen Sie, bieten Sie Ihren Pflanzen volle Sonne und geben Sie Ihnen ausreichend Dünger. Dann sollte das mit der Blüte schon klappen!
If it gets hotter than 30°C, water twice a day. 1x in the morning and 1x in the evening. Your plant will thank you!
You should fertilise your frangipani once a week. Alternate with the Plumeria Special Fert iliser and the Flower Fertiliser.
Now you can cut cuttings from your own plants. Always follow our instructions for cutting cuttings.
No flower and no umbel?! Is your frangipani actually old enough to flower or does it have a "free" shoot for a fresh flower?`The plumeria does not flower on shoots that are too young!
Until the end of July you can still produce new seedlings without worrying. From the end of July, the time until winter dormancy becomes short.
Every 5-7 years you should change the soil of your frangipani, removing 1/3 of the roots (like a piece of cake) from the root ball. Now would be the ideal time to do this!
Fresh cuttings should now already slowly form the first roots. Please note that not every variety forms roots equally "quickly"!