Your fast supplier for high quality Plumeria plants and accessories.

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Plumeria rubra "Purple Sant

January - Plumeria Care

A new year begins. We can still sit back and relax.
Frangipani flower (grey)

Frangipani Care Calendar - JANUARY -

Noch können wir uns bequem zurücklehnen. Unsere Frangipanis verlangen im Januar eigentlich nichts von uns.
Lassen wir sie einfach in Ruhe und kümmern und dann doch lieber um Familie und Freunde, denn ab Mai wird die Zeit dafür dann leider eng 🙂

Gießen Sie Ihre Pflanzen im Januar nicht!
Sie können, wenn der Stamm Ihrer Frangipani arg schrumplig ist, ihr ein kleines Gläschen Wasser geben aber nicht mehr!

Do not give your frangipani any fertiliser during the prolonged winter dormancy. It may not be able to process it and the roots may be damaged.

Never cut unnecessary shoots or new cuttings from your plant. The plant may not recover from this.

In January it is not typical for your frangipani to have flowers or develop new buds because it is in hibernation.

It is not the ideal time for sowing. Please wait at least until the end of March with this plan! Just be patient a little longer!

Do not repot your frangipani now! Your plant is in winter dormancy and might not survive this intervention.

No new cuttings should be rooted in January. Cuttings that have not rooted since August are of course not affected by this!



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