Your fast supplier for high quality Plumeria plants and accessories.

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Phone: +49 721 98615896

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Plumeria rubra "Purple Sant

Frangipani Plants - A huge selection

Which plant should you choose?
Frangipani flower (grey)

Frangipani Plants & Cuttings

Here you are now spoilt for choice. What type of plant (cutting, plant or grafted plant) should you buy now? Well, in general you should see if your desired variety is available. If it is only available as a cutting, then the decision is easy. If the variety is available as a plant, you should choose the plant. If this variety is available as a grafted plant, we still recommend the normal plant. Grafted plants are usually rarer varieties and not yet as vigorous in growth as the conventional varieties.

ACHTUNG: Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Plumeria Pflanzen erst ab Anfang Mai 2020 ausliefern, weil wir erst Mitte April 2020 unsere Lieferung bekommen!
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Small varieties (Dwarf)
large plants (>1.50m)
rare varieties
unrooted cuttings

Once you have chosen a plant, you will automatically receive our frangipani plant guide with your purchase. You can also download it as a PDF here at any time.



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