Your fast supplier for high quality Plumeria plants and accessories.

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Plumeria rubra "Purple Sant

The answers

And the winner is....
Frangipani flower (grey)

Are You a Frangipani professional?

Our quiz had many participants, 90% of whom knew the right answers.

Of course, there are one or two wrong answers here too. Let's just take a look at the questions and the correct answers.

1. after whom was the plant named?

Es war nicht Frank I Pani und auch nicht Charles de Plumerol. Die richtig Antwort war: Charles Plumier.
100% richtige Antworten! Super!

2. how many petals does a frangipani usually have?

Die richtige Lösung wäre hier 5.
100% richtige Antworten! Perfekt!

3. which of the following species is not evergreen?

Die Lösung war Plumeria rubra. Obtusa und pudica sind nämlich immergrün.
Auch hier 98% richtige Antworten. Ich staune!

4. Are frangipanis hardy plants?

Die Antwort musste natürlich NEIN lauten.
12 falsche Antworten. Da war ich etwas enttäuscht.

5. after how many years does a seedling usually flower in Europe?

4 - 7 years was the correct answer and again 100% correct answers. There you go!

6. May I keep several frangipanis in one pot?

The answer is of course NO, because frangipanis have aggressive roots. In a pot with several plants, only 1 will develop splendidly.

9 wrong answers. But the question also required some basic knowledge and perhaps Google.

7. frangpanis love ...?

Sun... 100% correct answers. That was logical, because they like hail or snow less...

8. what is the most famous frangipani colour combination?

white / yellow of course. Unfortunately, 3 users guessed pink and one guessed red / white.

9. what is the NPK value of the Plumeria special fertiliser?

I thought it would be easy but unfortunately only 85% chose the right value 10-52-10. There were many with 0-8-15 (although it sounds like a good combination) and 3 with 1-2-3 🙁

10. can you get different flower colours on one tree?

That was probably the most difficult question. The correct answer was "Yes, the so-called rainbow trees". Unfortunately, there were almost 30 wrong answers here. It works and our partner site also has the info. Rainbow tree

And the winners are:

1st place (book or optionally the Frangipani Starter Set #4)



2nd place 200g frangipani fertiliser of your choice

Monika Kovacs


3rd place 10 mixed Plumeria seeds

Doreen Opitz



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