Pricing at Frangipani Plants
I have been observing the market for Plumeria and Frangipani plants for years and often enough I see that customers unfortunately have the wrong idea of price.
90% of customers assume that the taller the plant, the more expensive it becomes. So most people would buy a 2m stem for 100 € because it is already tall - BUT IT IS NOT BEAUTIFUL!
A beautifully branched but compact plant makes a much nicer picture than a "stem" and you also have much more chance of flowers.
The price at a good dealer (and I would like to be one) is determined according to the following criteria:
– Anzahl der Verzweigungen
– Aussehen, Wuchsform der Pflanze (Display)
– wie selten ist die Sorte
– Größe der Pflanze (untergeordneter Wert)
– Größe des Topfes (untergeordneter Wert)
– Einkaufspreis der Pflanze
A perfectly formed plant will fetch a much higher price on the market than a 2x as tall but less beautiful grown Plumeria!