Your fast supplier for high quality Plumeria plants and accessories.

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Kaiserstrasse 80

76133 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 98615896

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Plumeria rubra "Purple Sant

Plumeria Care Calendar

Our care calendar for the whole year. Never water or repot at the wrong time again!

The Plumeria Care Calendar

Never water or repot plants at the wrong time again! With our Plumeria Care Calendar you have the perfect overview of the recommended actions each month. You will see that you have almost 4 months break per year and can sit back without having to take care of the darlings. In addition, the 2. page format offers the possibility to write your own notes in the calendar. Of course there is a beautiful Plumeria photo every month. We hope that our calendar will soon decorate your office or living room.


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