Which Fertiliser is the right for my Frangipani?
You now have small seedlings, cuttings or adult frangipani plants at home and need to decide on the right fertiliser. With our selection (5 fertilisers) this is admittedly a little difficult. Therefore, we have created a small diagram for you where you can see from the small red flowers for which purpose the respective fertiliser is ideally suited.Seedlings, young plants (younger than 3 years), they want healthy roots, strong plants and strong leaf growth.
Adult plants that have already flowered and you don't have time to fertilise every week or tend to forget to do so
You want vigorous plants with healthy roots that should also produce flowers
Are you mainly interested in strong umbels (also depending on the variety) and beautiful, strong flowers?
You want a good balance of all the nutrients your Plumeria / Frangipani needs. This will help you achieve a balanced nutrient uptake.
Strong root growth, robust and healthy plants, higher chances of flowers during the season
Wachstum: Wurzelbildung, Blattbildung, Triebe verstärken, Pflanze robuster machen
Blüten: vorwiegende Förderung der Blütenbildung
Langzeitwirkung: Anhaltung der Wirkung des Düngers nach einer Düngergabe