Your fast supplier for high quality Plumeria plants and accessories.

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Plumeria fertiliser

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Plumeria Fertiliser - Our Overview

We offer a wide range of fertilisers. Among others also the Plumeria Special Fertiliser with its high phosphate content of 50%. Many hobby gardeners swear by this fertiliser, although it is not actually a fertiliser for promoting flowers, but only a growth fertiliser.
Plumeria Special Fertiliser
Plumeria Special Fertiliser

Plumeria Fertiliser - Our Overview

We offer a wide range of fertilisers. Among others also the Plumeria Special Fertiliser with its high phosphate content of 50%. Many hobby gardeners swear by this fertiliser, although it is not actually a fertiliser for promoting flowers, but only a growth fertiliser.

Und welchen Dünger benötige ich jetzt für meine Plumeria?
Der Plumeria Spezial Dünger wurde vor vielen Jahren entwickelt um das Wachstum der Plumeria (oder auch anderer Pflanzen) zu fördern. Er ist ideal dafür geeignet das Wachstum der jeweiligen Pflanze zu fördern und die Wurzelbildung zu beschleunigen bzw. zu unterstützen. Er stärkt das Wurzelsegment der Pflanze und macht sie somit robuster. Durch seinen hohen Phosphat Gehalt (NPK 10-52-10) ist er ein Wachstumsdünger und kein Blühdünger!

We also offer a flowering fertiliser (NPK 6-18-36), which promotes the formation of flowers and fruits(high potassium content). Of course, it is not a miracle cure either. Unfortunately, fertiliser alone will not make your Plumeria blossom, but it will help!

The ideal successor to the Plumeria Special Fert iliser and new in Germany is the fertiliser that promotes root and flower formation at the same time. We call it "Roots & Flower Power Fertiliser". It is dosed in exactly the same way as all the other fertilisers, but unlike the others it offers a better mixture of phosphate and potassium to promote root growth and at the same time stimulate the plant to flower.

You can also use our slow release fertiliser. You should mix this into the Plumeria soil as early as mid-May. It will then permanently release its nutrients to the plant until the end of the season.

And on the subject of "How do I dose the fertiliser correctly?"we also have an answer, of course!

And a detailed explanation of "What fertiliser do I need for my frangipani?" we also provide.



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