Your fast supplier for high quality Plumeria plants and accessories.

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Kaiserstrasse 80

76133 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 98615896

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Plumeria rubra "Purple Sant

Frangipani plant pricing

Height alone is not everything!
Frangipani flower (grey)

Pricing at Frangipani Plants

I have been observing the market for Plumeria and Frangipani plants for years and often enough I see that customers unfortunately have the wrong idea of price.


90% of customers assume that the taller the plant, the more expensive it becomes. So most people would buy a 2m stem for 100 € because it is already tall - BUT IT IS NOT BEAUTIFUL!

A beautifully branched but compact plant makes a much nicer picture than a "stem" and you also have much more chance of flowers.

The price at a good dealer (and I would like to be one) is determined according to the following criteria:

– Anzahl der Verzweigungen
– Aussehen, Wuchsform der Pflanze (Display)
– wie selten ist die Sorte
– Größe der Pflanze (untergeordneter Wert)
– Größe des Topfes (untergeordneter Wert)
– Einkaufspreis der Pflanze

A perfectly formed plant will fetch a much higher price on the market than a 2x as tall but less beautiful grown Plumeria!

Shopping tip

Always look at how many branches a selected Plumeria has. Do not attach importance to the height but to the number of branches.

However, you will have to make an exception for varieties that prefer to grow upwards as "stems" (such as "Black Tiger"). You rarely get strongly branched "Black Tiger" and if you do, they are really expensive!



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